Scripture Engagement

The main focus of the Scripture Engagement is reaching and engaging every language in Ethiopia and beyond with the Word of God through various media.
We are dedicated to serving language communities not just through translation and giving Bibles, but also by helping them to use the translated Bibles effectively and see lives transformed through Scripture Engagement programs.

Out of the more than 80 languages of Ethiopia, most have at least a portion of the Scripture. However, the trend in many
places shows that the translated Scriptures are not being actively used. Sadly, most translated Bibles are just sitting on the shelf. There are several reasons that the Scriptures in minority languages are not being used. Some of the
reasons are:


The literacy rate in most language groups is very low. 


Orthographic difficulties may hinder reading. The church Pastors may not be comfortable reading the Scriptures in the newly developed writing system, and hence tend to avoid struggling with it.


A local church may hinder the use of one language in a local church, especially among city churches or mixed community churches and so on.

Of all these reasons, however, illiteracy is the main one. Most of the ethnic minority communities are oral cultures and many language groups prefer to learn orally. Hence, Scripture Engagement is a bridge-building program geared towards helping language communities to use their Bibles, and engage with it by implementing different platforms and methods such as Oral Storytelling, Bible listening groups, audio Bibles, Scripture in video formats, and different Bible study methods. In all this, we try to guide different age groups and peoples with different needs to engage with the Scriptures so that lives may be transformed. Some of our activities are listed Scripture Engagement ministries are listed below:
Training Local Church Pastors

Since the church needs to take the lead role to make Scripture Engagement a sustainable program, we train local church Pastors on how to use mother tongue Scriptures, how to prepare messages from it, how to lead small Bible study groups, how to tell Bible stories, and how to tell Bible stories orally and much more.

Training Local Sunday School Teachers

We train local Sunday school teachers on how to engage with the children by using mother-tongue Scriptures.

Training Local Translators

We train local Bible translators in Scripture Engagement so that they know the fundamentals of Scripture Engagement and encourage them to use translated materials among their language communities.

Scripture Engagement Programs

Trauma Healing

As a country, and as a region in general, we have been going through a number of traumatic situations. War, ethnic conflicts, poverty, HIV, Covid-19, famine, and drought. These, and other social problems, are the causes of trauma for both children and their parents. We give Bible based trauma healing trainings to help trainees deal with their issues, and show them the path to healing.

Bible Story Telling

We are serving language communities by showing them how to craft and tell Bible stories orally, and we have seen God transforming lives through this program.


Audio Bible and Scripture In Video

As the Scripture says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) Therefore we
use various audio devices that have the complete Bible on SD cards. This is another approach we used to reach language
groups. We present the Scriptures in audio formats through Proclaimers, Mega Voice, and SD cards. The churches use
materials in small Bible listening groups. They come together at least once a week as a group to listen and reflect on the
portion of the Scripture they heard. Everyone will have the chance to interact and reflect on the Word without a language

barrier or the need for reading ability. We take this program to prisons, churches, women’s Bible study groups, and so on. The
program is usually designed to go through the whole NT in one year.


Deaf Scripture Engagement

We are privileged to serve the deaf community with different ministries here in Addis Ababa and out of Addis as well.

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