Pray With Us

We are eagerly awaiting the time for the publication of the Gospels in these four languages. The work is almost completed, so
please stand together with us for the successful completion.

The area is full of tensions and many conflicts – within the Mursi and also with other neighboring people groups, such as the
Aari and Bodi tribes. These conflicts quickly escalate into bloody battles. At this currrent moment, the conflicts have been
resolved through traditional mediation. Let us praise God for this. But the Mursi Christians suffer a lot because of these
conflicts. During the conflict times, they go to the mountains to hide during the daytime and they come back to their homes at
night. Because of this, elderly people, children, and women who gave birth are suffering a lot.

There was a conflict between the two biggest tribes in the area – Nuer and Agniwak. This conflict negatively impacted our
consultant checking programs; and because of this, the consultants were unable to work during the rainy season. Even though
the area is a little bit more peaceful now, there still is tension.

The two teams Seize and Guwama are both doing well.Praise the lord for this languages.But the Komo team, however, has a slight problem. They used to work in a nearby city, but have been forced to go back to their rural villages. This can have a negative impact on the work because there is no stability in this area. We need to pray for the West cluster.
These are Eritrean languages. The work is continuing smoothly, but since the translators are not with their communities, working in a safe town far away, they cannot get input from their communities easily. This is a major challenges for them.
The translation works are carried out in the city of Jinka. At the moment, the area of Kara and Kwegu language groups are relatively peaceful. In terms of spreading the gospel, there are many areas that remain unreached, and thus many destructive, intimidating cultural practices are still being used. Let us pray for freedom from evil spiritual bondages.
Although this project is on a good track, it is not progressing at the desired speed. As a pastoral community, the area is frequently attacked by South Sudan groups who infiltrate the area in search of food and livestock. The militia come killing, looting, and stealing and cause much loss for the communities.
Muhur is one of our many new projects and it is off to a good start. The translators are dedicated and working diligently. We believe that if they continue at this speed, we will see much progress soon. Please pray for God’s grace and further protection for the team.
These programs are provided through churches in two language groups for now: for the Tsaara and Mursi people. There are both functional and basic literacy classes in both programs, with around 130 students altogether. We need much prayer for reliability for the trained teachers, and persistance and protection for the students in these areas so that the fruits of literacy can steadily grow. We also need prayer for other areas that we are planning on starting church-based literacy programs.
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